Tuesday, January 22, 2013

VLC Media Player Demo

One of the great things about in-the-air hand gestures is that they're not mutually exclusive from mouse and keyboard input devices. Hand gestures can be a great addition to the desktop experience. Say you're playing music while you work or browse the web, but the next song you have no great affinity for and wish to skip it or the volume is too low and you want to turn it up so you can bounce around in your chair, you could use gestures to adjust the player running in the background. No need to alt-tab and switch context from your current application!

This video demonstrates possible gestural controls for VLC Media Player. It's playing NASA clips, but the controls would work equally well with a music playlist.

Summary of the gestures:

Play/pause - Double pinch
Seeking forward/backward - Pinch and drag to the right/left
Volume up/down - Pinch and rotate clockwise/counter-clockwise
Next/Previous clip - Spread hand flick right/left

This is just one possible gesture set. All the gestures can be operated with either hand, but since we can identify which hand you are using, it is also possible to assign operations to specific hands.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mac OS X Support

The heart exploration demo running on a 15" MacBook Pro.

Good news everyone!

As many of you have requested, we've started supporting the 3Gear Systems SDK for the Mac. You can now add hand gesture controls to your shiny Mac OS X devices! Download the latest Mac OS X SDK here. For system requirements and details on how to set up the SDK, please refer to our Mac installation guide.

Note: Due to limitations of the Asus Xtion Pro and Kinect for Windows, only the Xbox 360 Kinect sensors are currently supported on the Mac.

Also, please refer to our licensing page for information on how to obtain a license.

Happy coding!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Now that the public beta period is over, you might be wondering how to get a license for our hand tracking SDK. We offer three types of licenses: a 30-day evaluation license, a commercial license, and an academic license. For more specific details on how to get one of these license, please refer to our licensing page. We hope to hear from you soon!